Built Environment

                               - Design & Control


Jan, 2024

FUNDING Dr. Wei Liu (PI of Task 1) received a grant from National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China, on “National Quality Infrastructure (NQI)” (2023YFF0613101).

PAPER ACCEPTED Evolution of particle size distribution and water content for oily particles in machining workshops. Accepted by Journal of Building Engineering.

Oct, 2023

PAPER ACCEPTED Prediction of urban airflow fields around isolated high-rise buildings using data-driven non-linear correction models. Accepted by Building and Environment.

PAPER ACCEPTED Deep learning to develop zero-equation based turbulence model for CFD simulations of the built environment. Accepted by Building Simulation.

Aug, 2023

PAPER ACCEPTED Shape optimization of the exhaust hood in machining workshops by a discrete adjoint method, accepted by Building and Environment.

June, 2023

PAPER ACCEPTED An open-source and experimentally guided CFD strategy for predicting air distribution in data centers with air-cooling, accepted by Building and Environment.

PAPER ACCEPTED Comparison of the time-dependent characteristics between particle mass and particle number emissions during oil heating and emission mitigation strategies, accepted by Building and Environment.

INVITED TALK I presented work with the topic "Inverse design of built environments with shape optimizations" at the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, invited by Dr. Chun Chen.

External Examiner Modeling airborne infectious particle transport in indoor environemnts. HUANG, Wenjie. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 2023.

External Examiner Development of electrospun nanofiber filters for indoor air quality control. NIU, Zhuolun. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 2023.

External Examiner Development of advanced control algorithms for mitigating indoor PM2.5 pollution. AN, Yuting. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 2023.

April, 2023

PAPER ACCEPTED CFD modeling of dynamic airflow and particle transmission in an aircraft lavatory, accepted by Building Simulation.

PAPER ACCEPTED Inverse identification model for release rates of multiple gaseous pollution sources in an aircraft cabin, accepted by Indoor and Built Environment.

March, 2023

PAPER ACCEPTED Simulation study of the purification system for indoor oil mist control in machining factories, accepted by Building Simulation.

PAPER ACCEPTED A review of data-driven fault detection and diagnostics for building HVAC systems, accepted by Applied Energy.

Feb, 2023

OPPONENT Dr. Wei Liu was invited by Dr. Gaetano Sardina to be the opponent of Licentiate of Engineering in Thermo and Fluid Dynamics, “Numerical Simulations of the Urban Microclimate”, Chalmers University of Technology

PAPER ACCEPTED Temperature-dependent particle mass emission rate during heating of edible oils and their regression models, accepted by Environmental Pollution.

JAN, 2023

PAPER ACCEPTED Building Form and Outdoor Thermal Comfort: Inverse Design the Microclimate of Outdoor Space for a Kindergarten. accepted by Energy and Buildings.

Nov, 2022

FUNDING Dr. Wei Liu (PI) received a grant from Research Pairs project, Digital Futures, "Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot", SEK 2,000,000.

INVITED TALK I presented work with the topic "Inverse design of a thermally comfortable indoor environment with a coupled CFD and multi-segment human thermoregulation model" at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of London, UK, invited by Dr. Li Ma.

Oct, 2022

INVITED TALK I gave a talk on the progress of our C3.ai DTI project in Research breakout sessions at Digitalize in Stockholm 2022.

PAPER ACCEPTED Inverse design of a thermally comfortable indoor environment with a coupled CFD and multi-segment human thermoregulation model, accepted by Building and Environment.

Sep, 2022

PAPER ACCEPTED A dynamic anomaly detection method of building energy consumption based on data mining technology, accepted by Energy.

Apr, 2022

PAPER ACCEPTED Inverse modeling of thermal boundary conditions in commercial aircrafts based on Green's function and regularization method, accepted by Building and Environment.

Feb, 2022

PAPER ACCEPTED A semi-empirical mesh strategy for CFD simulation of indoor airflow, accepted by Indoor and Built Environment.

PAPER ACCEPTED Predictive control of multi-zone variable air volume air-conditioning system based on radial basis function neural network, accepted by Energy and Buildings.

School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Tianjin University

B.Sc. in Constructional Environment and Equipment
Engineering,Tianjin University, 2009
M.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2014
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2017
Contact Information
Address: 135 Yaguan Road, Tianjin, China
Email: weiliu@tju.edu.cn
Phone: +46 8-790 86 71
Principal Investigator
Wei Liu


Dr. Wei Liu is a full Professor at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University. Dr. Liu earned his B.Sc. in 2009 from Tianjin University, China and M.S.E. in 2014 and Ph.D. in 2017 from Purdue University, USA. He was an Assistant Professor at ZJU-UIUC Institute, Zhejiang University‍ (2017.10-2019.1), Assistant Professor (2019.2-2022.12) and Associate Professor (2023.1-2023.12) at the Division of Sustainable Buildings, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Liu's current research topics include Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Air Distribution, Inverse Design and Control of indoor environments, and Data-Driven/AI-based Smart Buildings. He has published 75 journal papers and 41 conference papers. Dr. Liu is an Outstanding Winner and recipient of INFORMS Award from Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2019. He is also a recipient of Best Paper Award from ROOMVENT 2018, Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship from Purdue University in 2016, First Prize of the RP-1493 - Shootout Contest from ASHRAE in 2012, and Grant-in-Aid Award from ASHRAE in 2011.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aSgEUQ0AAAAJ&hl=en